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Why Do Sore Muscles Feel Worse On The Second Day?

Posted on by Ahmet Baltacı

Why Do Sore Muscles Feel Worse On The Second Day?

Typically, it's "untrained" muscles that ache days later, says Stovitz, which is why you might be more likely to feel sore the second or third day after a workout you've never done before, or why athletes experience DOMS at the beginning of their seasons, says Dr. William Briner, M.D., sports medicine physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City.

There are a number of theories as to what's really going on at the muscular level to create pain so far after the fact, including lactic acid buildup and inflammation, not to mention real damage to muscles and/or tendons. Experts say it's likely, however, that a combination of two or more of the going theories are probably at work. One thing seems pretty certain, at least, and that's that DOMS is likely the result of a specific type of muscle movement or contraction called eccentric muscle contractions,

Dr. Steven Stovitz, M.D., MS, associate professor in the department of family medicine and community health and a team physician at the University of Minnesota, writes to HuffPost Healthy Living in an email. Eccentric contractions occur when the muscle is contracting at the same time as it is lengthening, like in the biceps during the downward-moving portion of a curl or in the quads while running down hills, he explains.

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